Thursday, February 2, 2012

News: Occupy Exeter activists respond to cathedral demands

Published on X-Media Online on Monday, 16 January.

Occupy Exeter activists respond to cathedrals demands by Imogen Blake

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Occupy Exeter protestors have said they refuse to end the illegal encampment on Cathedral Green, declining the cathedral’s offer of a marquee during the day.
A joint statement from Acting Dean of Exeter, Carl Turner, and the cathedral’s Chapter urged members of the movement to stop camping on the site but offered activists a marquee during “daylight hours.”
A message on Occupy Exeter's blog said accepting the cathedral’s offer would go against the “very essence of our movement”.
The Chapter said relations between the church and Occupy members had been “under great strain”. Protestors have camped illegally on cathedral grounds since 12 November last year.
Voluntary sector worker, Stuart Crewes, 39, has been involved with the occupation since the start. Reacting to the cathedral’s demands, he said: “We chose to only give a brief response to the cathedral as we didn’t feel like getting bogged down in arguments.
“It’d be great if they could stop attacking us and instead help us with the issues of social deprivation, rather than squabbling over materialistic values. We think the issues we’re involved with are bigger than people just staying on the grass”.
Cathedral staff said the amount of noise and mess made on the green has tested the relationship of “good will” between the Chapter and Occupy members.
Mr. Crewes responded: “We’re aware of who makes the noise and mess and we’re trying to combat these issues. We have tranquillity watches every night to maintain security and peace on the green”.
For Occupy Exeter’s full statement, go to

This article was used in my applications to MA Journalism courses.


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